Finding Out About Terry Parker Jr. And Learning I Was Not Alone

Kim Cooper
4 min readNov 2, 2020

The 90’s are here, and the Dot Com era arrived. Gen X becomes a thing, and I was ready for more babies. It was 1990 and I was pregnant with my second child.

During my second pregnancy I made the decision to not stop consuming this time. I had learned a lot in the last decade about cannabis and the medicinal values. Active participation in the movement was put on the backburner to concentrate on family, but I was still learning what I could, when I could. I knew from the last pregnancy; abstinence was not an option. My second daughter was born happy and healthy in January of 1991. Another late delivery, I carried again for an extra 2 weeks! She finally arrived and was delivered without incident. Another healthy and happy girl.

By 1993 I was carrying my 3rd, and what would be my final child.

During the early winter of 1993 we were raided. It was the first time I had ever had the experience. I had 4 plants growing in a secret wall closet in the basement of our townhouse. They were the unfinished plants remaining from the full crop of 30 plants we had just harvested a few weeks earlier!

The Police entered, they went straight to the basement closet, knowing exactly where it was. When they opened it, they looked surprised! They asked a lot of questions about the plants, and how long I was growing them. When I answered, it seemed to just be a confirmation of info they already knew, except when it came to how many their were. We knew someone close to us notified Police. They searched the house, but not the yard or garden shed, which is where the recently cropped harvest was hanging to dry! I was charged with possession and cultivation of a controlled substance, from the 4 unfinished plants. The charges were eventually dropped. I still have no criminal record for cannabis or any drugs.

In March 1994 I was ready to deliver my third child, this one would be a boy. Once again there were no issues once he decided he was ready. I had 3 children, all happy and healthy and I never stopped my consumption while carrying any of them. Today all 3 have post secondary education, all 3 are gainfully employed living productive lives.

During the Summer of 1996, the newspapers were focused on a case before the courts. Terry Parker Jr had some plants seized and was arrested during a raid. He said the plants were his medicine and he had a right to have them. This changed everything for me once again, bringing activism back into my life.

I did not know Terry then, but the news that someone else was using cannabis to control seizures, and was in court for it, lit another fire under my ass given what I had gone through just a few years prior, with the raid we experienced.

I began communicating again with NORML, only it was NORML Canada now!
I was back at it, where it all began back in 1978, this time getting people to sign up for the monthly newsletter.

Terry Parker’s case was heard in court in December 1997. “Judge Patrick Sheppard ruled that certain sections of the Controlled Drug and Substances Act are unconstitutional in cases where marijuana is used for medically-approved purposes.”
Terry Won! This solidified my determination even further. I had to get back into advocating for the plant.

I followed along with the news reports as the case was appealed by the crown, eventually Terry prevailed in all appeals. This is the case that lead to the change in Canada’s cannabis laws. It was the birth of the Canadian Medical Cannabis Program, later named the MMAR.

In 1999 I attended my first cannabis rally. The GMM, or Million Man March. It was held the first weekend in May in Toronto and cities across the globe. My oldest daughter marched with me for support. It was the first time I had a sense of belonging, I felt I was a part of something right. I was realizing the movement was much larger than I knew in Canada and we met a lot of people there.

The GMM became an annual event for me, until the Toronto event stopped for a few years in the new millennia. I’m glad it came back, and I still attend every year unless I am hosting one in the north.

Home computers were now a thing and the information highway was open.
The coming years would fast-track my cannabis education, activism, and propel my life focus yet again.

“How Did I Get Here”, Blogging about my journey through life with cannabis.
Kim Cooper for NOCERorg



Kim Cooper

Patient, Advocate, Councillor, Speaker, & Reporter. Guiding people through cannabis as a medicine in northern Ontario & beyond.